For years I had this lunatic who used to write these nasty letters to the editor with no foundation in fact and or reality. Usually he spewed wild accusations about me being out to get him and how I was ruining the town based on the rumors that he made up. Anyway this guy had a doctorate in Economics so we called him the doctor. I responded via a letter to the editor once basically pointing out that every thing he said was a distortion or wrong. He responded with this very odd letter basically ranting becuase somehow he twisted my letter arround in his head to where I was questioning his patriotism. No idea where he got that from.
Needless to say he got transferred out of state and his house is for sale, so one of my town alderman and I are driving around and we see he has an open house, so we stop and go in. Of course we end up signing in and touring his house with the realtor. We never heard a reaction to our home visit sadly, which allows us to speculate on how nuts he must have gone when he found out.
Sometimes politics can be fun.